io9 caught up with The Expanse showrunner Naren Shankar at San Diego Comic-Con to talk about about Miller, Ilus and all things Season 4.
Videos from The Expanse (Page 5)
The Expanse – Cas Anvar Recaps Season 1 & 2 | Prime Video
Exactly what it says on the tin: Cas recaps The Expanse Seasons 1 & 2!
How #SaveTheExpanse Saved The Expanse
Ross Talks About on YouTube "talks about" the tumultuous two weeks between the cancellation and the renewal of The Expanse, and how the fandom saved the show!
Bora Kutlu's latest video, created to coincide with the Prime Video worldwide release and to draw in new fans!
The Expanse – Featurette: If There Wasn’t a Season 4 | Prime Video
The cast talks about what would have happened if we hadn't gotten a Season Four!
The Expanse – CSC LED Lighting Walk Through
Jeremy Benning and co shows how they handle the practical LED lighting that is used on the set of The Expanse.